• Catalogue Creatives, Inc. v. Pacific Spirit Corporation et. al. (Oregon District Court, Case No. 3:2003cv00966): Testifying expert to plaintiff counsel in trial related to infringement of intellectual property rights. Reviewed financial statements and related financial information of defendant, calculated damages, and testified in federal court. Result: Defense verdict (liability).
  • (National Gaming Company v. International Gaming Company): Consulting expert to plaintiff counsel in dispute related to breach of contract for failure to pay for acquired intellectual property rights of on-line gaming technology. Reviewed purchase and sales agreement for plaintiff, analyzed sales by customer information, researched market trends and market share for on-line gaming associated with plaintiff technology, prepared complex damage report in excess of $300 million. Result: Statute of Limitations barred claims.
  • Beaming White LLC v. Whiten My Smile Now et. al. (Western District of Washington Court, Case No. 3:16-cv-05858): Testifying expert to plaintiff counsel in trial related to infringement of intellectual property rights, including trademark and copyright infringement. Reviewed financial statements and related financial information of defendant, calculated damages, and prepared exhibits in anticipation of trial or settlement. Result: Settlement.
  • American Leasing Company et al. v. Continental Bank and Summit Leasing, Inc. (Oregon District Court, Case No. 3:17-cv-00183-YY): Testifying expert to defense counsel in claims related to breach of contract and infringement of intellectual property rights. Reviewed financial statements and prepared analysis to refute plaintiff claims of damages, prepared exhibits for mediation and potential trial. Result: Settlement.